
William Papaleo is an american artist who has lived and worked in Italy for over 35 years. His paintings have been exhibited in museums and galleries in Europe and the United States. He has received various awards in international and juried shows in Italy and America. Presently he is being represented by Wohlfarth Galleries in Washington D.C. and Massachusetts. In the past few years, he has collaborated with The Royal College of Art of London and The University HDM of Stuttgart, Germany during a series of international painting workshops for european college students.

He has taught painting at the University of California – Napoli, Italy – and at the Castle Hill Center for the Arts in Truro Massachusetts. He has studied with Robert Beverly Hale at the Art Students League – New York City – and Henry Hensche at the Cape School of Art in Massachusetts. In Italy he studied at the Accademia di Belle Arti – Napoli – and worked on church fresco technique with Antonio Montagna in Piemonte.